Creating democratic, decentralized systems for healthy communities

We are facing a corrupt and dysfunctional global economy that is inseparably tied to the need for endless growth and the attending destruction of our global habitat. Additionally, the growing gaps between rich and poor create extreme societal instability. Is there a way to re-engineer micro-economies to ensure more equitable wealth distribution and greater opportunities for all?

This website presents the concepts that were developed during a 3 day workshop at Bern University of the Arts in April 2018. The workshop introduced the emerging field of crypto-economics and explored the potential of designing economically viable concepts involving blockchain technology, sustainability and systems thinking.

The participants are conducting their Master in Design, specializing in either entrepreneurial or research focused design.

Led by
Peter Harris, founder and board member, a music streaming cooperative
Susanne Stauch, design researcher and founder of, a platform dedicated towards sustainable, social transformation.